A mentally-ill Belgian woman sought euthanasia to escape her problems. The doctors told her, sure, why not?
Since 2002 a law was passed in Belgium that allowed people to be euthanased when they were suffering intractable and unbearable pain. Today euthanasia is more often granted to people suffering from mental illnesses like chronic depression, schizophrenia, chronic anorexia nervosa and borderline personality disorder, etc.
The law requires that a patient’s free decision has to be established before medical doctors can give the lethal injections.
My mother suffered from chronic depression. Two years ago she broke off all contact with me. In April 2012 she was euthanased at the hospital of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (the Free University of Brussels).
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University Hospital Brussels |
I was not involved in the decision-making process and the doctor who gave her the injection never contacted me.
Since then, my life has changed considerably. Up until now, I am still trying to understand how it is possible for euthanasia to be performed on physically healthy people without even contacting their children. The spokesman of the university hospital told me that everything happened according to my mother’s “free choice”. After my mother’s death, I talked to the doctor who gave her the injection and he told me that he was “absolutely certain” my mother didn’t want to live anymore.
The death of my mother has triggered a lot of questions. How is it possible that people can be euthanased in Belgium without close family or friends being contacted? Why does my country give medical doctors the exclusive power to decide over life and death? How do we judge what “unbearable suffering” is? What are the criteria to decide what “unbearable suffering” is? Can we rely on such a judgment for a mentally ill person?
After all, can a mentally ill person make a “free choice”? Why didn’t the doctors try to arrange a meeting between our mother and her children? How can a medical doctor be “absolutely certain” that his/her patient doesn’t want to live anymore? Why can’t we bear to see people suffering?
Some doctors at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel believe that euthanasia should be offered to anyone who wishes to end his/her life because of unbearable and meaningless suffering. All objections and restraints from the community are regarded as immoral and unjustifiable. These doctors are nowadays even discussing euthanasia for people suffering from autism and youngsters who are suicidal.
What scares me is that these doctors also seem to be controlling the Belgium media. Is this the society we want to evolve to? Are we going to control suicides in the nearby future by putting people out of their misery before they can do it themselves -- instead of investing in mental health and palliative care?
I believe that the appeal to “free choice” is becoming a dogma of convenience. We are rapidly changing into a society of absolute loneliness where we don’t want to take care of each other any more. And when we suffer, we ask our doctors to kill us, breaking fundamental biological and human laws. However, by doing this, we create new and insoluble problems.
Therefore, we really should rethink what we believe in. Is it life or is it death?
Tom Mortier PhD lectures in chemistry at Leuven University College. This article was written with the assistance of Dr Steven Bieseman and Professor Emeritus Herman De Dijn. It was originally published in the Belgian medical journal Artsenkrant.
5 opmerkingen:
Was your mother receiving drugs for her depression?
In the UK, they have banned several drugs (SSRIs) for depression because they CAUSE suicidal ideation! eg Prozac (fluoxetine)....http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3656110.stm ...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2275333/Prozac-Its-brought-relief-millions-linked-suicide-low-libido-birth-defects.html
I wondered why they are allowed to euthanase patients who are taking medications that cause suicidal ideation? Or don't they bother to ask ?
My mother took many drugs against her depression. For example Cymbalta (duloxetine) which is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant and the antidepressant trazolan.
Had her drugs been changed before she approached her doctor for a referral for euthanasia?
Had they been stopped suddenly?
People do become very suicidally depressed on stopping/switching antidepressants.
Mr Mortier, I think your basic argument - that there needs to be a broad public debate about the current practice of euthanasia in Belgium and the conditions under which it is being performed - would be better served by a more equitable and nuanced portrayal of the circumstances that led up to your mother’s death by euthanasia. In other words, I take issue with the flippancy of your depiction of Belgian doctors responding “sure, why not?” to such a request. You know as well as I do that it didn’t happen like that: see The New Yorker 22 June 2015: Who has the Right to Die by Rachel Aviv. While I too believe that the Belgian public should be more involved in the moral and ethical issues surrounding euthanasia, such manipulative exaggerations are a big turn off for someone like me who genuinely wants to understand all sides of the issue. I make this statement as someone who has lived in Belgium for more than 25 years and whose husband’s life was terminated by euthansia at his request a year almost to the day after your mother’s. While I am truly sorry for your loss, and I cannot begin to imagine your surprise, shock and grief, please do us all a favour and try to be as objective about your reporting of the facts as possible – in the name of fairness.
Tom ,
Ik ben Wilfried Cornette , Zottegem , pas het overlijden van je ma vernomen . Mijn oprechte deelneming . Ik kan het moeilijk uitdrukken ; als vriend van je ouders in het hospitaal . U heeft ook reeds Uw part gehad Ik onderstel dat je kinderen hebt . Ik vind nu geen woorden . Mocht U evt willen antwoorden : zie mijnwebsite :inkloppen op google " wilfried cornette . ik heb drie kinderen en drie kleinkinderen . Roos , mijn vrouw is overleden aan vier en veertig jaar van hersentumor , ik ben hertrouwd geweest en nu gescheiden . Ondertussen een paar gezonde depressies en nu beter .Uw ouders waren voor mij zeer goed , allebei
eer beleefd
wilfried cornette.
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